
Kwang Chul Kim教授学术讲座:MUC1: a secret molecule in airway.


题 目:

MUC1: a secret molecule in airway.


Kwang Chul Kim, Ph.D. University of Arizona (UA)



时 间:

2024年3月30日(星期六) 上午 9:30 - 11:30

地 点:




讲者介绍(Speaker Introduction):


Kwang Chul Kim, Ph.D is a Professor and Director in University of Arizona College of Medicine, a Professor and Dean of Myungsung Medical College, a Professor (tenured) of Physiology and Director of Lung mucus research program, a Professor of Pharmacy and Medicine (tenured), department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Department of Medicine, University of Maryland Baltimore. Prof. Kim graduated with Honors in Medicine in OHIO State University since 1979. He is the member of Research Grant Review Committees. He is in the editorial board of Am J Clin Exp Immunol., Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol., Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. and Arch Pharm Res..He is the member of American Thoracic Society, American Physiological Society, American Society of Cell Biology and European Respiratory Society. Prof. Kim's major area of research is the cell biology of mucus lining the airway lumen, which serves as a major protective barrier for the lung. Prof. Kim has undertaken a range of research studies of airway mucus and mucociliary clearance, which has made great contributions to this field. Related research achievement have published 111 international peer-reviewed papers and applied for 3 U.S. patents.

讲座摘要(Abstract of the lecture):

Airway mucus constitutes a thin layer of airway surface liquid with component macromolecules that covers the luminal surface of the respiratory tract. The major function of mucus is to protect the lungs through mucociliary clearance of inhaled foreign particles and noxious chemicals. Mucus is comprised of water, ions, mucin glycoproteins, and a variety of other macromolecules, some of which possess anti-microbial, anti-protease, and anti-oxidant activities. Mucins comprise the major protein component of mucus and exist as secreted and cell-associated glycoproteins. Secreted, gel-forming mucins are mainly responsible for the viscoelastic property of mucus, which is crucial for effective mucociliary clearance. Cell-associated mucins shield the epithelial surface from pathogens through their extracellular domains and regulate intracellular signaling through their cytoplasmic regions. However, neither the exact structures of mucin glycoproteins, nor the manner through which their expression is regulated, are completely understood. This talk reviews what is currently known about the cellular and molecular properties of airway mucins.







